Lettuce Challenge | Contest Requirements | Plants Delivered! 2.27.2015

Dear Lettuce Challenge Participants,

We hope plant delivery went smoothly, all plants and registered classrooms are accounted for, and you are up to the challenge!  One teacher asked a really great question, especially considering we are expecting weather on Sunday night/Monday.

Q.  How do we keep them alive, what about watering on the weekends?

A.  These peat pots are great because you can see and feel when they are dry.  Remember to refer to the post on how to care for you plants.  The soil should feel moist.  Pots can be watered from below, but remember not to let them sit in a deep puddle or your soil will turn from a healthy “cake batter” to a drown-your-plant “soup.”  Remember roots depend upon air that is held in the pore spaces of your soil.  You will have to trust yourself, your plants, and your students.  This is a courageous undertaking!  Here’s our delivery confirmation document and a link to the printable pdf HERE:LettuceChallenge2015DeliveryDoc (PDF)

Q.  What are our goals now?

A.  Please take a look at the attached Challenge Rules and Submission Guidelines. You may print a pdf here:  LettuceChallengeUpdates2.27_ContestEntryRequirements

Q.  What can we share with our families?

A.  Please send them a link to this blog so they can follow along with updates, and email them a copy of our invitation to the ButterCrunch Awards on Third Sunday, April 19th, 2-4pm at the GEC.  I will be at the GEC Greenhouse this Sunday, 2-4 pm if anyone would like to stop by and ask questions.  Last chance to pick up a limited supply of community windowsill challenge kits.    Buttercrunchawards_Invite

Don’t forget to comment below with questions or email me at youth.director @ gecgreenwich.org.

Thanks again,

Ms. D

One thought on “Lettuce Challenge | Contest Requirements | Plants Delivered! 2.27.2015

  1. We simply cannot thank our volunteers enough. Details to follow about how many people who had hands in their soil and wheels on the road, to get those plants transplanted and delivered. Thank you, thank you, what a busy week. We hope plants make the transition well and that you all have as much fun with these plants as we have!


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